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single port usb universal car charger


There are hundreds of USB car chargers on the market, you will find them on the major e-commerce platforms, and in the offline market, they will even appear in the supermarkets of all sizes. If you remember correctly, it seems to have seen them at the roadside booth. So, what is the general USB car charger? This is not how to understand it, but to carefully check the product specifications and buyer reviews, after all, this is to charge the phone, if you buy a universal USB car charger Insufficient power or performance does not meet the requirements, it must be a waste of money and time. Next, let's take a look at the Universal USB Car Charger~ Universal USB Car Charger Needs High Current
Yes, yes, the inconspicuous cigarette lighter socket in your car can charge many portable electronic devices. For example, an ordinary car has a 12 volt 10 amp outlet. It would be a waste to take these precious small sockets to smoke (well, remind you that smoking is harmful to your health). To make matters worse, many new devices can't even charge or fail to charge at all if there is no current injection of 2 amps or more.
Given this and the high power demands of powerful modern smartphones and tablets, there is no reason to buy a low-current car charger, at least one car charger that can provide 2.1 amps, so you only need to buy a car charger. By dividing the amps listed on the device by the number of ports, you can skip any device that does not reach or exceed 2.1 amps. Because they can happily support a variety of USB-based devices without putting any irreversible pressure on your car's electrical system, there is no risk of the fuse blowing.
Universal USB car charger requires multiple interfaces
There is absolutely no reason to buy a single-port USB car charger. No. Although they exist (we have a few squeaking around the glove box and the garbage bin yesterday), there is no reason to buy an interface USB car charger, especially in the era of rapid development of technology today, the car power port is still very precious. There is only one old-fashioned car, and even newer device-centric cars are often only fun for drivers and front passengers. Therefore, it is really impossible to waste the entire powerful 12v car power port on one device.
Even if you only have one device, you need power because there is no second port for future devices (when the smartphone battery is 5%, it's really untouchable). Now you need a universal car charger, which may have been available in the iPad 1 era (we actually bought the aforementioned car charger in a kit with an Apple connector cable), but now it’s clear Proving that the multi-port car charger is really practical.
The smallest form factor USB car charger on the market (much smaller than the lighter they replaced) can still support at least 2 USB ports. Simply add a little more size (same or slightly larger than the transformer on the old phone charger) and you can easily load 3 - 4 USB ports.
Universal USB car charger purchase method
You need to check the product specifications and make sure the device meets the minimum requirements (because each port has 2.1 amps or higher and there are more than 2 ports), then look at the buyer reviews, yes, I have a bad one. The habit is to like to watch bad reviews, so you can determine what problems will occur with the USB car charger. If you are unable to read a review of a device, we strongly recommend that you do not read it, as comments are a real manifestation of the shortcomings and success of such a device, provided by a scornful or happy customer. Ok, but I wish you a long way, now you can join the shopping cart and get paid.
For example, if you buy a three-port car charger, you can charge your new iPhone and old iPad, let Junior sit in the back seat for entertainment, and of course charge one more device at a time, you need Control the power of these devices, otherwise it will exceed the rated power, which will damage the phone.